Tuesday, September 13, 2011

The Next Chapter Has Just Begun

As I walked into the house this evening, I bounced a thought off of the side of the house and listened to the question that I posed to myself.

Sometimes, it's good to hear yourself talk to you out loud.

I asked myself, "What's holding you back?"

It wasn't my work ethic. (I'm always willing to work towards something important to me)
Not my resources. (I can get by on little)
Not the people around me. (I haven't been talking to many people up until these last few weeks)

It turns out that, when I look back, I work the hardest when I'm working for someone else. I'm not saying a boss. By far, no. I mean someone that's a constant in my own life. One that I hold in high personal esteem. I suppose it's the same difference between a man who works to support his family and one who works to makes sure he's got what he needs.

This is my truth as of the moment I'm typing this.

Today's blog is not purposed to challenge others, but for me to voice a challenge to my self.

Now I'm taking a few personal steps to change my own understanding of the world around me. Like a new pair of glasses or taking off the shades. The cool touch of a fresh pair of contacts on a hot, tired pair of eyes. That sensation of dipping your head in the pool after playing a mean game of soccer or Ultimate in almost 100 degrees. That feeling.

I see it.

Now I need to travel on the unused path in my life. Now is the time when I start to work for me. I'm my own light at the end of the tunnel. I'm the sole beneficiary of my efforts.

Now, if you want to take this as a personal challenge, far be it for me to stop you. If you see that you are in the same place as I am, I'll actually take this moment to officially challenge you.to move in the same direction. Now is the time I liberate myself from relying on the support of others. Though it's nice, I understand that there won't always be someone else there to push me. I'm working on that, too. A few people have risen to fit that position, but I still refuse to let anyone too far into my "me" who hasn't proven him/herself through the only true court of experience. The more one is proven, the closer one gets to the ether of my existence.

By the way, I like abstract terminology.

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