Thursday, September 8, 2011

Moving a little closer as we walk side-by-side

I'm not sure how my voice is going to sound today. I've been feeling a bit off since I donated some of that good ol' plasma yesterday afternoon... so yeah. I'm just trying to stay on track with my resolution.

The day before yesterday, I realized something truly. In my inner being. It's not about what you don't have. It's about the things you do and the people that you surround yourself with. At the end of my fantastic (for many reasons) day, I went out to a lounge with a couple friends.We spoke about a few things and laughed about more. All in all, I learned to appreciate the fact that I still have people involved in my life that can shed some light for me. That being said, I'm still working on shedding my own light on my own circumstances. As great as it is to have friends that can do that. I don't want to have to rely on others like that until I can surround myself with people that carry similar values to what I hold and who can broadcast the same light for me as I do for others.

Part of my existence is solely to help others in their walk/run/jog/crawl through life. I know my method for showing that I care is a bit awkward at times or even a touch harsh, but I assure you that anything that I do in sound mind or without explanation is done with a considerable amount of forethought.

I want to come back to the center of my railroad. There are a lot of changes going on in my life right now. Most of which are welcome, the rest of which I'm working with and turning into more positive ones. One of them is acclimating my schedule to my new work and redefining why and how I work. Others include financial planning for the rest of my college career and the rest of my life. There is a long list of things that I want to do, and now I am working steadfastly towards those things, organizing them into what I can reach now and what will have to wait for later.

Another turn. Since my last haircut, I've been working to reshape the vast negative energy in my life that I've harboured over my 22 years of life. By the way, I haven't had a haircut in seven years this month. I started by taking a look at my self and seeing how I view the world around me. It turns out that you create the world around you.

  • You pick who your friends are
  • You pick what your job is
  • You pick what you do
  • You decide when you do it
  • You decide what you eat
  • You decide how you every aspect
Most importantly:
You decide what you believe. In every aspect of your existence.

Once you truly realize this very last thing, you can begin to remould the world around you into what you want it to be. You are led to believe that the insane are delusional. No. They have created the world that they want in their own mind and, in the worst cases, their world has become warped. The outside world simply hasn't accepted their belief and behaviours based in their perception of the world around them (check out Sucker Punch). Though this is an extreme example, it still carries the same weight that a lesser one would hold. 

There are many methods of achieving this state of mind. All involve some form of meditation. I'm not going to get into that subject until I work a little more in it, but know that I will bring it up again later on down the road. 

Well, family, since it is now way later than I expected to still be awake, I'm going to take me leave. I hope this atones for the two days that I missed. I'll actually probably have another really long one tomorrow as well. There's a lot going on that just hasn't made it to this page yet, but I expect more to be unveiled as I get more and more comfortable with this. Soon I'll move away from elaborating on where I stand and dive deeper into my experiences. I'm looking forward to this. 

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