Sunday, September 4, 2011

Making a difference in your everyday life

Yet another sermon-inspired blog on a Sunday afternoon. I wrote another note to myself because it's hard to blog from the pews and my poor little thumbs can't keep up like my hand can. I've added to my notes since then, but here is the finished product.

Seize every moment to the very last second. Don't passively float through your existence and expect to sleep easily every night. Work diligently towards where you want to be. 

"Who you are today is a sum of yesterday's decisions. Who you will be tomorrow is a sum of today's decisions."

We all know that we create the world around us, but do you understand that it takes diligent work to reshape where you are to where you want to be. Knowing and understanding are two completely different ideas. Even a painter must work diligently to transform a few colours and a canvas into a masterpiece. 

To gain anything, something of equal value must be lost. 

If you find that your time isn't as valuable to your employer as it is to you, find someone whose value is at the same level as yours. Everyone has the same twenty-four hours as you do every day. What sets each person apart is how they choose to spend them.
Seek unconventional means until you find or create your niche. You and those close to you can be your driving force. Find your inspiration and motivate yourself forward. That is the best way to live. Then, when you reach your goal, you can sit back and do all that stuff I told you not to do at the beginning of this. 

By the way, I'm not just on my soapbox here. This is a sermon for myself and by myself. I just feel that others can benefit from this as much as I can. And this whole writing process is here to get myself comfortable enough with putting my core ideas and values out there so that I can tackle a subject that's close to my heart. It's something that I feel like would be stepping on some serious toes, but I'm going to do it anyway simply because it is one of those things that I feel must be shared. Until that point, though, I'll be blogging away and I may even start a new one just to cover other material and ideas. We'll see where the road takes me and when it's time to make that turn, I'll be more than ready.

I look forward to sharing more insight. Feel free to leave comments and feedback below. I'd much appreciate it, and it'll help reduce the amount of time I spend networking to find responses.

Wow. This single post really turned around. I like it. 

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