Saturday, September 24, 2011

Morning Ritual

When you wake up every morning there is one thing you should do until it becomes second nature. Before you roll out of bed. Before you sit up. Before you turn off your alarm. Before you roll over. There is one thing you should ask yourself.

"Why did you wake up today?"

Don't move a muscle until you have an honest answer for your question.

Take it a step further.

Don't move until your answer becomes your goal for the day. It can be one thing. It can be many things. The number is completely up to you. The only stipulation is that it must be worded in a positive manner. No negative words at all. They foster a negative spirit/mood.

Now you can turn off your alarm. Repeat the idea(s) to yourself.

Get out of bed. As you rise repeat the idea(s) to yourself.

Repeat it one more time before you leave the room.

There's a science behind all this. Trust me.

Have you ever wondered why a day started on the wrong foot? That decision was made when you went to bed. The human mind is the most easily influenced right before it loses consciousness and right after it regains consciousness.

The other day, someone commented on an update I posted saying they wished that they had the positive disposition that I have. There's my secret.

Remember, growing up, hearing "you are what you eat"? It's absolutely true. If you feed yourself the everyday crap of the average human being, you will become the everyday crap of the average human being. If you displace yourself from where you really are, when you realize where you are, you'll only be driven to change it.

This is the truth.

Here's the kicker: don't deceive yourself into how difficult this is. If you are really committed to this decision it will come as second nature to you. Stop and think now. Have you already decided that this is hard? Have you decided otherwise? You're right.

So here's the breakdown:
  1. Realize how badly you want to change. 
  2. Understand that change is easy. 
  3. See that you want to change now. 
  4. Change.

It's as simple as that. In fact you can skip the third step if you want to simplify it.

That's all I have for you today, but don't take this as truth. Question everything your senses perceive and discover your own truth.


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