Friday, September 16, 2011

Stay Hungry. Stay curious.

If you live each day as if it were your last, some day, most certainly, you will be right.

I don't really like leading with my main point today, but it just seems right. I find that some of the worst questions I've ever asked myself started with "What if I had..."

Don't think back to any time you've ever asked yourself that question. You'll only be reinforcing negativity. I want you to think of everything you've ever wanted to do in your life. Now decide to do it all. Take a step in every direction. All day. You've got 24 hours to have the best day ever. Even less if you sleep at all.

Don't act in fear of dying, though. It's simply acknowledging the fact that at any moment, you can be stripped of the ability to tell her you love her. To sing at the top of your lungs. To become a millionaire. To make someone smile. To start your own business. To write another editorial. To dance like no one is watching. To stare into her eyes. To give another massage. To buy a meal for someone. To show kindness. Love. Compassion. The list is conceivably endless.

If you have an opportunity to learn/observe something, do it.

If [insert action here], do it, and don't be shy about it.

Figure out what is most important for you. When you get a chance to enjoy it, get up and do it.

I dance randomly as I sit in class. I sing really loud and make people laugh as I walk down the street. I smile at everyone that looks like they need one and even those that don't. I'm working so that I can have a little surplus to get friends and strangers into shows, or to pay for some other person's meal when I go out to eat. I'm want to be that stranger that they'll remember for a long time. The guy they make fun of for being quirky. That one dude that didn't fit any mould.

What are you afraid of? Rejection?




Keep asking yourself that question until you don't have a reasonable answer. Until your answer is "I don't know." Then, when you ask yourself why you're afraid of rejection/whatever else, you can jump straight over the bullshit you already laid out for yourself and into the real answer, "I don't know." Once, you're there, look around and see that there is no [good] reason for you to not do what makes you truly happy.

People will look at you funny. People will ridicule you. But that's a part of life. When you find out who those people are, remove them from your life and surround yourself with like-minded people.

Think of anyone who reached anywhere by touting how great they were. All of the successful people you've ever seen/met can all recount some time when they stared rejection/adversity right in the face, threw up a middle finger, stuck out their tongue and blasted right through it at full speed. After that, they knew that they could overcome that very same challenge every time they faced it.

Life doesn't get easier. You just get stronger.

The highest math I've ever taken in school was Pre-Cal. In the beginning of the semester, I was learning the hardest math I had ever put my mind to. By the time I finished my mid-terms, I was learning the hardest math I had ever put my mind to. By the end of the semester, I was learning the hardest math I had ever put my mind to.

Wait, What?

That's the natural order. By the time I got to my final exam, I had gotten so used to all of the stuff I had already learned that I could use and explain those formulas in my sleep. The stuff I learned in the beginning was used as a foundation for all the newer information I received.

That's the rule of forward momentum. Apply the same amount of force all the time, and you'll always be moving faster.

1+1=2+1=3+1=4+1=5...You get the point.

Always take at least one step forward. If you're feeling froggy, take a leap. As long as you're moving forward, you're not standing still.

Life is a journey. You're not getting anywhere if you're not moving. Either you can get somewhere while showing others how to do the same, or you can die upset because you got stuck lucking at the same rock your entire life.

"It's time to take chances, make mistakes and get messy."
-Ms. Frizzle (The Magic School bus)

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