Wednesday, September 28, 2011

A Reminder...

In dissecting the world around me, I have forgotten why I began living as a minimalist.

I saw a link to an acquaintance's blog. Slowly sifting through the pages, I stumbled upon this video. No. I didn't stumble. I was very much in control. I came to this video...

First, I just want to thank T for putting this somewhere I was more likely to find it. It reminded me of why I chose to live the life I do. It's to find peace. I've been so caught up in what I was doing that I forgot to consider why I was doing it. I remembered that peace within myself is why I began this leg of my journey. The blog was just a way for me to share what I had learned.

I live in a minimal fashion not to prove anything to anyone, but to make sure I am reminded to stay grounded.

The roots of a tree are what bind it to the ground and what feeds it nutrients. The branches bask in the sunlight and digest the nutrients. The trunk connects the two.

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