Monday, September 19, 2011

The Scorpion, the Eagle, and the Phoenix

In recent history, I began talks with a semi-new individual. I say semi-new because I was introduced to this person a while ago, but we only began our true exchange of personalities a few days ago. In speaking with this person (this ambiguity of this is killing me. I'll just call her Lu). In speaking with Lu, my curiosity in the stars was rekindled.

When I was in middle school, I took a deep interest understanding as much as I could about the zodiac. Since then, I've only challenged my knowledge once and that was at the end of my senior year in high school over 4 years ago. Wow. That seems so much longer than that. Now that challenge has risen again. This is just a bit of what I know and what I've learned with some Wikipedia pages attached. I use it because other source sites may not be around later on and I don't want to have to fix broken links all the time.

According to the laws governing the Zodiac, I am a Scorpio, which is one of the four fixed signsTaurus (spring/earth), Leo (summer/fire), Scorpio (autumn/water), Aquarius (winter/air).

My parents are Tauruses. My brother is an Aquarius. I am a Scorpio. The women I feel the most attraction to seem to all be Leo's (I'm not ruling others out. I'm simply making an observation).

What I knew about my astrological sign:
Stone: Topaz
Planet: Pluto
Body Part: Groin (no lie)
Personality: Intense, Inquisitive, Caring, Jealous, Wise, Passionate, Secretive, Obstinate, Compulsive
Colour: Dark Red/Maroon
I have a way with words

What I learned thanks to my recent investigations
Dominant Gate/Chakra: Eighth (heart)
Planet: Pluto
Fun Fact: The only sign with three animal totems.

Though this is a bit of a rough summary, I really just wanted to get to that last point. Three totems? Really?
They model an evolutionary journey.
Scorpion > Eagle > Phoenix/Dove

Basically, I start small and powerful looking out at the world learning what I can about it by watching others' interactions from the safety of my home and shutting everything and every one else out. Then I venture out to the world soaring and watching everything from way up high and surveying everything with keen eyesight and insight learning and understanding more and more with every passing glance. I fly higher than most ever expected and still keep finding room to grow. Finally, I reach enlightenment. The things that bother everyone else can't even reach me, and even though the only thing that can bring me down is myself, whenever I succeed in that, I find a way to rise from the ashes.

I know that we tend to find likenesses to ourselves in things when we choose to believe that they truly represent us. If you want to take it out of the context of the zodiac, you can reference my affinity for Knuckles the Echidna. This concept dives into what is known as "self talk." Essentially, "you are what you eat" applied to your mind and how you perceive the world around you. "Whether you think you can or think you can't, you're right." -Henry Ford

Let's take this a step back. I don't see myself in Scorpio. I get to see the bits of Scorpio littered through my life.

In work, I like to make sure I understand as much as possible while doing only what I have to before I show what I know and let my flowers bloom, so to speak. After that, I ascend as high as possible, taking this approach every step of the way. I do the same thing in most aspects of my life. In fact there are people that dislike the fact that I prefer to calculate every possible outcome before I make any decision at all. I prefer to remain calm on the surface while my inner being calculates and redesigns any failing situation into one that seems more profitable. I hate having a boss, and I like to make sure things are done right myself. I care what others think would rather preserve relationships than end them on a bad note. This same method can be applied to other forms of the zodiac as well.

Now, I want to acknowledge the fact that it feels as if I have strayed from one of my cardinal rules.

I don't define myself. I'll let my actions speak and allow others to see what they want in me.

Here's another rule.

In order to see yourself, you must look from the outside in or the inside out. You can never see yourself where you are right now.

According to the classification systems surrounding my birth, I am a Scorpion, an Earth Dragon, a Reed.

I can either choose to live accordingly, or I can choose to live how I see fit and just use this as a stepping stone.

I choose to do both. I accept the fact that these profiles describe, very well, the decisions I have made thus far, but I will continue my life in whatever direction I see fit. I am the sole governor of what I do and how I do it. I'm still the same person that believes that all scriptures point in the same direction. I believe that we as humans can move mountains. I believe that everything is connected through a network far more intricate than most care to think. I believe that all the answers are already here, and we just have to find them all.

I am:
Told by God. I'll let you know that God has heard you.
Truth. Lies don't make the truth any easier to bear.
A home big enough for those closest to me, and
Always at work in some way towards something better.

That is my name. I wear it every day. No matter what, I am still me. I am.

Who are you?

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