Friday, October 14, 2011

Even the Healers Need Healing Sometimes

**acknowledges the lack of blogging lately***

During these past few months, I've been more and more obsessed with the well-being of others. This is a constant threat to my personal health. I have this affinity for helping others with every last breath and resource that I have. You can ask anyone that knows me well. I have been know to offer (unprofessionally), since I was a wee lad, psychological/relationship counselling and a bit of physical therapy. I make sure that I know as much as possible about whatever anyone asks me about so that I can give the most sound advice possible. Always.

This has been my method for my whole life. I know that if there are any professionals of the healing arts reading this, you're probably shaking your heads in shame for me doing all that stuff without licensing and proper technique and all that, but let me ask you this: how do you think this all got started? None of the true firsts had a text book to read...

Back to my point. Today, I hit a personal low point. That encompasses all of the details I need to include about that here. Just know that for the first time in a while, I can see the bottom of the chasm, and it's not a pretty place to be. Granted that's where all the feathers of those who fly high have landed, the walls are smoothe and damp.

After reaching this point, I tweeted a not-so-subtle plea for an ear to listen to what was on my mind. Within moments, I was actively communicating with 4 or 5 people. This allowed me to get the heaviest stuff off of my chest. I thank these quick responders for this. These conversations all helped in their own little way, but during the last one, I sent something that resonated with me like nothing else did. We were talking about how we both love to help others but we rarely can find anyone to listen to our own discomforts/problems. Then I instinctively mentioned the phrase that is the title of today's message. 

"Even the healers need healing sometimes."
Think about it. We are all human. We all have things that stretch us thin, but who do you think is more inclined to find a quick release for stress? No, not the person who was cheated on. Not the one who has work problems. Not the one who had a troubled past. Not the one enduring a midlife crisis. Not the one whose car broke down or whose boyfriend broke up with them. Not the one with a dying family member. Not the one who just got fired. Not the one with a double-crossing best friend.

It's the one who has listened to the pleas of all of these individuals and now carries all of those stones on his or her back. All of them.

This person is the healer. He sits there and offers to take that load off of you and shoulder it for you. He lets them collect around his house until there is nowhere to put anything else. Now that you don't have to worry about what you've left with him, you can go on your merry way and come back when you have another load to drop off, but who is there to help carry his load?

This thought seldom crosses my mind due to the fact that my back is considerably strong. In fact, I can carry others' problems and deal with them quite well. The only thing that I may need is an outlet. 

Being single makes this a very sizeable task. For a few years, I had someone who, at the end of my day, was there to hear me out when I needed it whether it was 8pm or 3am. I was there for her and she was there for me. No matter what. This was a constant in my life for a significant amount of time. Since I've been single, I have yet to find a suitable release for the things that I carry day-to-day. Part of that is attributed to the fact that I am very particular about who I let into my own little circle. I'm just not a fan of having my personal details available to the world. Every thing needs to be juuuuust right. 

Most of the people who ever get to know me will only see who I am on the surface. They may never get to know what gets my wheels to turn.

This is the truth.

This is not to say that my smiles aren't real. Every moment that I smile is real. I express how I really feel about any situation. I give my honest opinion about everything. I am real... but there is always more. 

Think... Iceberg


I digress. 

Consider your healer every once in a while. 

I guess this is a PSA for those that need healing. If you keep coming back for the same reason, try and figure out what you can do to change. The greatest reward for a healer is for the healed to stay that way. We make you better for a reason. Take a moment and grow from your experiences rather than dwell in the same place. And to the healers: don't fear confiding in each other. We are a like-minded group. Different approaches to the same result. 


I suppose that my point, again, is that even the healers need healing, sometimes. 

You can now let your lives resume from where they left off. I feel better now.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I found this post agreeable.

    This weekend I set aside time to let loose and focused on me. I honestly can not remember the last time I did this because there seems to always be something "more important" going on. I have a sense of renewal that I don't even know how to begin to express. All I do know is that it feels good. Whatever the situation, I encourage that you take a step back and think about yourself once in a while, before getting consumed by others surrounding you. The way I see it, if you have a clear, healthy mind, you can better serve those who come to you for help.

    The words "even the healers need healing sometimes" are definitely justified!
