Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Unbreakable bonds

There is one thing that, at this point, I'm absolutely certain of: existence consists of an intricately interconnected web of beings. If an idea is felt strongly enough, It will resound with the core of your being long before your mind can even begin to fathom why.

Within the past few years, a few of the loved ones in my life have left this plane. According to what you believe, they're either back on this planet in another form, still here, gone to heaven/hell, etc. The point here is that their souls are no longer here in the form that they took or the vessels they kept.

A finer detail is that I was aware of both of their passings at around the times they happened and it woke me up. I remember, vividly, the thoughts that I had at those moments. The flood of emotion when I finally broke. The hole in my heart when I realized the truth.

There are instances within my family of the same thing and around the world of the same thing. I'll admit that I've had messages for others and myself brought to me in my sleep. That stuff really happens.

A more recent instance: today, Steve Jobs passed away. I can admit that I was fairly aware when it happened. He's not, by any means, in my extended family. I have no close ties to him, but there are people that are close to me that feel strongly towards him. No lie, he revolutionized technology as we see it, and I'll give him credit for that. He's influenced many lives including my own.

I didn't feel this in the same way as I felt my family members go. I knew and understood that a great number of people felt sad, but I didn't know why until I saw the news.

We are all connected through an unseen force. Every religion has its name for it. I'm not going to get into that, but I'll use my favourite depiction of the idea. The Yggdrasil. The world tree.

Again, depending on what you believe about it, it holds everything together.

The nutrients that feed it are the essence of the ideas that were conceived by those that came before us. These ideas feed the creative geniuses of "our time." These geniuses are the biggest, brightest leaves. They harness as much of the "nutrients" as they possibly can. The smaller leaves, of course, are those that take life as it's handed to them. Never asking that all-important question, "Why?" or more importantly, "Why not?" All of these leaves, however, are connected to the same source with the same roots and the same branches and are fed through the same trunk.

Did you know that even the largest of trees communicates with itself just like your hands and feet communicate with your brain?

And then there's the cycle: The leaves die and become the soil which enriches the roots which feed the tree to keep growing more leaves. We all are leaves on this tree. We are connected by the limbs, twigs, branches, trunk, roots. When we die, everything that we were is turned into the foundation of whatever else sprouts from our essence. Think "Phoenix + Butterfly Effect = Everything."

A few things to consider:
Those times you called an ex just because you felt like it and it turned out that he/she really needed you.
That time you saw something happen on tv or in a move and felt like you were going through it.
When you had a dream that felt so real, but you were seeing the world through someone else's eyes.

Same idea.

I just want to leave you thinking about that. Consider the depth to which your connections with others go.

I'm going to ponder on what the moon would look like if I didn't have to use corrective lenses to see it clearly and what a different place my world would be.


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