Monday, March 26, 2012

Time Passes and Things Change

Time passes and things change.

Lately, I have made myself subject to a bit of pain in the form of new piercings. Specifically, my tongue and septum. Since then, I have been asked many times why I decided to do that. I've also been called many names. 

Who knew that having a tongue piercing automatically meant that you enjoy are a homosexual or at least enjoy sucking dick? Passing premature judgement on others based on social biases passed down through generations is not the way to go. Funny thing is that not too much was said about the piercing that everyone can see. The most anyone had to say was (in a country accent) "Why would you do that? You know you look like a damn bull, right?" 

All this ridicule caused me to do a little soul-searching as to what lead to these decisions. I'm not masochistic, so it wasn't because I enjoy the pain. They have been on my "to-do" list, but I really should have dug myself a little more out of debt before I did them.

[soul search]

^After that, I realized that I haven't taken the time to take care of myself the way I need to. I've been working a new job at around 72 hours a week, plus the amount of time I have to invest into school, plus the amount of time invested in assembling some sort of furniture situation with the new place. It's all catching up to me. I'm fighting to find time for sleep and eating. I've missed so much sleep that if I take a nap, I might not wake up in time for work/school. I don't make time to stretch, exercise, eat, sleep, be with friends, etc. Essentially, my "me" is deteriorating. 

I realize that I was proving to myself that I still exist. 
That I am still alive. 
That I can still feel. 
That I can still bleed. 
That I. 





I'm still here. I realize this. I also realize that for this season of my life, it is where I have to be to reform my foundation. I've made a few decision in life that have built up and are all affecting me now. This is why I work so much. I also have a plan for the future. This is why I'm in school.

While the work I do is mindless, it gives me time to plan my way out of the hole That I've dug for myself. 

That being said, I want to propose a lifestyle. 

No, I'm not about to tell everyone to go out and get inked and pierced. 

Let this be a petition to simply respect the decisions of others. If you read the bible, you understand that our bodies are temples. Just like different cultures decorated their temples differently, we all have our own sense of feng shui about ourselves. Some prefer short, coloured hair, others prefer long, monochromatic hair. Some like to work out, others like to eat. Some like to make sure they never get so much as a cut, others appreciate the glistening light of steel and other materials perforating the skin.

Respect the decisions of others as long as they aren't detrimental to that individual's personal health or the health of the people and other creatures that surround him/her. Live outside of the superstitions of yesteryear and grow as an individual in this now-global world.

Make an effort to understand the differences between individuals before you pass your own individual brand of judgement on him/her. There may be a deeper reason that can only be explained through a long conversation.

That's all I have  to say about that... for now...

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