Sunday, January 8, 2012

Things Are Changing

Every time I go to a Christian church, I hear a message. This message always seems to be a day late with me. This is not a problem. This lets me know that I'm on the right track.
At the beginning of the year, I found out that this year is the year of the dragon. I was born under this sign. Automatically, I've been set up for success from the start.
I believe in a little bit of everything...or so I choose to believe.
Before the turn of the year, I saw that those that look to the stars are not hopeless. The stars don't tell you what will happen, but are more like a map; they give us a map. Like any map, you don't have to follow the printed route. You can take whatever route you want. The map just shows you the best route if you know.where to look or how to read it.
This was during a time when I was starting to arm myself with knowledge so that I can know and understand what I was fighting for by backing the movement. Now I've begun to see the things that have happened around me.
Now back to my point.

This service began by telling everyone that 2012 is their year. This is a year for change.
I just want to let you know that change is here. Right now, things are changing.
There is an awakening happening among the people of the world. We see that we aren't living a life that is beneficial to the race as a whole.
I saw this before, but now I'm staring directly at the sun. there is no way to ignore it for me. I want to see a world in which the individual values the wellbeing of other individuals more than the wellbeing of their accounts. We have been legally enslaved for too long now to "the American dream." Working hard isn't working if you work so hard that your body is wrecked by the time you're 35.
We are not followers. We are all leaders in our own way.
Go back and think about what you wanted to do with your life. Why are you not there now, and what are you doing about it? I ask myself this every day and take steps in the right direction after mapping out my course.
Next question: who is on the same road as you and how are you helping each other along?
That last question is directed at every aspect of my life.
Every aspect.
We are all humans on this earth.
We all have the same needs.
We all have a destination.
We all have resources.
We all can love.
We all have been hurt.
We all want to rise from the ashes of where we were.
We all need a hand sometimes and don't know where to reach out to.
This is the beginning of the rest of the world.
A kid I know once said that God is a part of nature and nature is a part of us. So we all are a part of God.
Replace "God" with whatever you believe and you will see the truth.
There is so much more to be said, but today will stop here.

1 comment:

  1. Hey! You're right about the American dream. It's hard not to get caught up in it and too many people are slaves to something they may never find. And if they find it, what promises they'll truly be happy?

    Yay for blogging, keep it up :)
    You can check out my blog if you care to.
