Saturday, September 10, 2011

A Trip Back In Time (my first post via email)

Here begins a trip into the past...

I love my family.

When I was but a wee lad in the great city now known as Miami-Dade, I wasn't the smallest member of the family. I was the youngest, but I was also the [proportionally] largest. I had a sleek, buoyant, round, jiggly figure. I know this because my family loved to *poke* fun at me for it. Not to worry. I laughed too.

You see, my fam was never malicious towards each other. If we ever had anything to say, we'd find the best way to say it without hurting anyone's feelings.

My chubby jokes were usually accompanied by a tickling or a poke (remember, I'm like 4-5 y/o).

The reason I'm sharing this in particular is to make you chuckle. Now that that's accomplished, the second reason is to let you know something else: whatever you have to communicate can be done in a positive light.
If you know me today, you'll notice that I don't really have much size to me at all. This is because I saw that something needed to change. I wasn't shamed into not liking my shape and it wasn't some reality tv style struggle that I went through. I just decided to do more.

I took up Thai Kwon Do.
I managed my portions.
I played outside more often.
I hit puberty.
I became part of the drill team at church.

Yeah. I was a little kid.

I made all those decisions myself because I understood that I could do more with myself. Of course a lot of the change could be attributed to puberty, but at this point, the upkeep is in my hands.

I've never had a therapist, nutritionist, psychologist, personal trainer, etc. I'm not discounting the value of such workers in today's world. They are very much necessary to those that would rather have someone else tell them what to do.

Essentially, all you need is the motivation to move in the right direction.

That's it. No quotes. No pictures. No emphasising fonts. Just facts.

Find your motivation and reason and go after your goal. Don't let anything stop you.

Now to get back to this bonfire I'm enjoying. Peace!

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