Monday, September 12, 2011

Revelation of a Lifetime

Every great achievement that has ever occurred follows a moment when an individual allows the perception of themselves to precede reality.

This is a fitting statement to properly dictate how I felt at the end of a meeting I had at work on Sunday afternoon. Essentially, I finally heard a talk that covered material that I needed to have the proper motivation and inspiration to move in the proper direction for the work that I do

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[end plug]

I realize that I haven't been putting my best foot forward in life. Growing up, I had the highest regard for every thing that I did for every moment of my day in every thing that I did. Since I moved out of my house, I had reduced my expectations for my self. I took what I could get. I lowered my head to anything that was better. I struggled through what I know I didn't deserve. I worked way too hard for what I got in return. I discounted my worth to myself and those around me. Then, from this grave that I dug for myself, I decided to fight my way outward and dig for my self an system of catacombs that in the end made a glorious infrastructure that only I could appreciate. I displayed my worth in all the wrong ways. I could just have easily taken two steps and be right above the ground.

I finally took those steps and found out slowly that my shovel is useless up here. I escaped the harsh conditions of mainstream work and reached a place where I could flourish. It was overwhelming. I didn't know what to do or where to start. I floated through this past month and some days like nothing had changed and I still had to work towards the expectations of others.

Now I see and truly realize that everything I do, though it affects everyone else, it all effects my self above all others. I mould my own existence.

Here is the challenge. It's a rewording of that opening statement.

Exist beyond now.

This is a summary of what I now understand about everything. This should be the phrase you tell yourself as you open your eyes before the crack of dawn every morning.

I really stand by this 100%.

"Perfection is not when nothing else can be added but when nothing else can be taken away." - Einstein

I want to say more, but I believe this is all that needs to be said.

[one last thing]
Know where you are. See where you want to be. Strive for the brighter future. Approach the silver lining 'til it's all you can see. Peace.

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