Friday, September 30, 2011

The importance of words

Today, I was informed that I did very well last week as far as our office's sales report is concerned. This felt good. I know that in the grand scheme of Vector, it wasn't much more than a drop in the ocean, but there was that sense of pride and fulfillment that welled up a little. I know that it wasn't enough to solve all of my problems, but this was definitely a sizeable step in the right direction. **Pats self on back**

Now that I've got that out of the way, I was looking for something to take away from the meeting we had this evening.  I didn't find anything in my usual places, so I decided to give up on that particular source. Then, I was told something. I don't remember what was said, but I do remember it feeling important to me. I believe the essence of the statement is now buried deep inside my being and will resurface in a later post. I'm not really even going to dwell on this idea very long.

At this point, I simply want to acknowledge the fact that the specific words that are used are unimportant. What really matter are the ideas presented. Language is just a way to relay ideas from one person to the next. Spoken. Written. Signs. Touch. Any form of communication is an expression of ideas. Now, you can either pad the truth or you can get straight to the point and let someone else know what's really going on in your mind.

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