Monday, September 26, 2011

Be Real [and] Limitless. A Double-Blog

Sunday always seems to be accompanied by a blog. Here's a start to your week. I hope this will get your Monday morning off on the right foot or at least get it to switch to the right foot.

Some of the worst speakers I know are pastors. That's funny because speaking is their profession. You would think that they would be good at it, but they tend to lack something. A real and proper expression. Expression is the deal-breaker for me. Never forget that people won't pay attention to you unless you show them that you genuinely believe what you are saying and are emotionally bound to the ideas that you are presenting. This may not seem like a topic that I can turn all philosophical like I normally do, but watch me:

Don't. Be. Fake.

That's it. Don't wast your time trying to be someone that is out of your true character. It takes at least twice as much energy as it takes to be yourself and is, at best, half as fulfilling.

If you work somewhere in the service industry, there are two types of people that I readily will recognize. The first is the person who loves what they do. They do it because it brings to them a sense of fulfillment. They leave work worn, but glad that they did what they did. It fulfills their personal desires. The other is the one that is glad to leave work because now they can finally get on with their day. They work where they do because they have to and believe that there is nothing better for them that they qualify for.

Which one are you? The dead? Or are you among the living?

Never believe the limitations that others pace over your head. Your potential is limitless. The only person that can hinder your growth is your self. You control how far you go.

If you think you can't learn it, you're right.
If you think you can't see it, you're right.
If you think you can't hear it, you're right.
If you think you can't run that far, you're right.
If you think you can't do it, you're right.

Now turn your pillow over. Feel the cool comfort.

If you think you can, you're right.
If you know you can, you're even better off. Now, not only do you have the motivation to attempt what you want, but you also have the motivation to keep trying even if you fail.

Now, decide for yourself which one of those you are and which one you want to be. Move in that direction. It's as simple as that. You may have to convince yourself that life outside your comfort zone is survivable, but once you do, you'll be more than willing and able to reach the stars.

Good morning. Good night. Whenever this hits you, make it a good time of day.

I've got a busy day tomorrow, so I have got to rest.


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