Wednesday, November 14, 2012

See How Far We've Come?

Today is November 14, 2012. Four days before my 24th birthday. A little over a year ago, I started going to school for massage therapy. I didn't know it then, but I would be spending the next year with a few interesting people who would be keeping each other afloat through the worst times and flying high through the best times.

 J-Dawg, K-Pitts, Jo-el, Falacia, Skizzle and I have been through thick and thin at this point. We've been there to help each other through everything the others have been through so far. At some point since we started school, we all have been homeless, jobless, tired, etc. and just didn't care to do what we had to do. Now the end is in sight and we have learned that we can count on each other and ourselves to pull us up when we have tripped or fallen. Though our methods may be considered crude, brash and unnecessarily vulgar, we haven't been afraid to tell the truth straightforwardly with no sugar coating at all.

I'm not going to give all the credit to ourselves like that, though. We've had a fair share of support from the classes that came before us and even those that come after us. People like Tylor, Dyane, Shannon, Yanvier, Carmen, Karen and so many more have been there to share their experiences with us and to support and be supported by us.

Above that, there have been teachers to help us along the way. Help to keep us on the path and be there when we need an administrative ear. Ms. R, Mrs. W, Mrs. B, Mr. C, Mr. H and yes, even Ms. C. You know who you are. They have been there since day 1 to help us in the right direction. Especially with the therapeutic discussions during Mrs. B's classes. Now, we are scarred for life. Not a maiming scar. More like a tattoo. One that has a meaning much deeper than the colours and shapes you can see with your eyes.

I almost forgot to mention the students in the other departments that have provided a much needed distraction from the classrooms we got so comfortable in.

All-in-all, I'm now living in my 5th place since I started school and working my 5th job. Almost all of the others have been through similar things. Me, not having my blood family nearby, some having their family shun their decisions and forcing them to move out. Two of us have brought new people into the world and still haven't missed too much because of that. And the last is still fresh out of high school and learning to have a head start on her future while dealing with problems all across the board.

If you put all our experiences of the past year together, this has been the most complicated year of any part of our lives thus far. It's all the year that we all took the initiative to move forward in a big way and to pursue the future we all want for ourselves.

Here I sit in the laundry room at school with the dryer humming in my right ear, waiting for my next client to arrive. I've settled my mind just a little more and now I'm ready to get back on track for the next month. If you hear from me, good. If you don't, just know I'm here strengthening the foundation on which I'll be building the rest of my life.

Don't forget that on January 27 @ 3pm EST, we will be walking the stage with a few of our favourite people. Please join us. It would mean the world to me.

Time to get back to my grind with my new-found family.


Thursday, September 27, 2012


Everything in existence has a vibration. Sometimes the vibrations complement each other and they strengthen each other. This is particularly evident in art, music and nature. The easiest of these for most to understand is music. The vibrations within a certain range become audible to creatures. All of these tones(sounds) vibrate at variations of others. When two  or more tones are heard at the same time, they create harmony. Sometimes, this harmony isn't pleasing to the ear, but it is still a form of harmony. The closer these frequencies are, the more times they cross eachother on a plane of perception, the closer they are to being the exact same frequency. Every time the frequencies meet on that plane, they reinforce each other, essentially more than doubling in intensity. That is how a rhythm is formed. Essentially, every sound's frequency strikes the plane at exactly the same time, reinforcing the "boom" or "tick"

Octaves are a little funny because they are two distinctly different tones. What sets them apart is that they are roots and squares of each other, so they sound like "the same note, but higher or lower."

This is all a game of energy. Frequencies playing and interacting with themselves either strengthening or weakening as time/instances go by. 

There are many people that I have met in my life thus far. Some of which, my energy doesn't vibe with very well, but others seem to reinforce my own and mine theirs. These are the people that I tend to get closer to. 

Something to think about. Are you investing energy in the vibes that empower/strengthen/fortify you, or are you letting the energies of others drag you down? I've made my decision...

Thursday, September 6, 2012

A Little Venting, A Little Moving on

These past few days/weeks have been rough on my mind, body and spirit.
1)Someone who I just met moved away.
2)I started a new job that doesn't seem to have proper business practices designed to support it's workers.
3)My living situation as a whole has pretty much fallen to pieces.

Other than that, I'm okay. There is food in my belly, gas in my car, and a warm place to sleep at night. Things are looking up.

Bad news first. Here we go.

I just met D. Fell madly in love, too. That was two months ago. We seem alike in many ways and

Sunday, August 19, 2012


<p>That's it. Today, I throw my hands in the air and let loose my real thoughts. Right now, life really sucks for me. I barely have a job. My rent is due. My power is off. My phone is almost off. My water is in the same boat. I finally get some food in the house and I can't cook it due to lack of power. God help me if I take ill. I use that term very loosely because as you read that as the Christian God, I see it as some thing much bigger. Back to the negative. I have a negative bank account. All my debts are piling up. No gas in my car. A battery on the edge of death. In desperate need of an oil change. Broke my shifter rod. Need new tires. Still not a lick of furniture. This really has me so down you have no idea. Trust me. This kid is getting evicted. That's right. Technically homeless. </p>
<p>I guess on the flip side to that, I've met a few amazing individuals and groups of individuals that have been able to help me immensely through this so far whether it has been money, time, massage, distractions, refreshes, food. Thank you to those that have helped me out even if you hadn't known it.

I never prepared myself to be back in this position. I can't even turn of my mind to meditate at this point.

I just has to let that all out...


Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Dragons, Scorpions, Crocodiles, Phoenixes, Water, and Vapour

For a while, I've considered myself a Dragon of sorts. As if I have a soul that's been around for a while.
For even longer I've considered myself a water type, though at times I've been a pot of boiling water.

I suppose that my view of my self has changed with where my life has taken me, but as I sit here with this Djarum slowly burning between my fingertips,watching the smoke slowly curl towards the night sky, I have to wonder: have I evolved as a person? What am I taking away from my everyday experiences and the people that I meet?

Monday, March 26, 2012

Time Passes and Things Change

Time passes and things change.

Lately, I have made myself subject to a bit of pain in the form of new piercings. Specifically, my tongue and septum. Since then, I have been asked many times why I decided to do that. I've also been called many names. 

Who knew that having a tongue piercing automatically meant that you enjoy are a homosexual or at least enjoy sucking dick? Passing premature judgement on others based on social biases passed down through generations is not the way to go. Funny thing is that not too much was said about the piercing that everyone can see. The most anyone had to say was (in a country accent) "Why would you do that? You know you look like a damn bull, right?" 

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Confidence From Within, Support From Without

Another Sunday come and gone, and the message was about confidence. Approach every challenge with confidence and you will succeed. Something like that. It's been a few days since then. Here's my take on what was said.

Confidence comes from within your being. Support comes from those you surround yourself with.

Now it's my turn.

Confidence can often be confused with arrogance. The only difference is the motive of the individual. With confidence, one only seeks to overcome the challenge. It is usually accompanied with humility. With arrogance, one seeks to put on a show for others. Pride is usually on the line.

That's that.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Things Are Changing

Every time I go to a Christian church, I hear a message. This message always seems to be a day late with me. This is not a problem. This lets me know that I'm on the right track.
At the beginning of the year, I found out that this year is the year of the dragon. I was born under this sign. Automatically, I've been set up for success from the start.
I believe in a little bit of everything...or so I choose to believe.
Before the turn of the year, I saw that those that look to the stars are not hopeless. The stars don't tell you what will happen, but are more like a map; they give us a map. Like any map, you don't have to follow the printed route. You can take whatever route you want. The map just shows you the best route if you know.where to look or how to read it.
This was during a time when I was starting to arm myself with knowledge so that I can know and understand what I was fighting for by backing the movement. Now I've begun to see the things that have happened around me.
Now back to my point.