Thursday, September 27, 2012


Everything in existence has a vibration. Sometimes the vibrations complement each other and they strengthen each other. This is particularly evident in art, music and nature. The easiest of these for most to understand is music. The vibrations within a certain range become audible to creatures. All of these tones(sounds) vibrate at variations of others. When two  or more tones are heard at the same time, they create harmony. Sometimes, this harmony isn't pleasing to the ear, but it is still a form of harmony. The closer these frequencies are, the more times they cross eachother on a plane of perception, the closer they are to being the exact same frequency. Every time the frequencies meet on that plane, they reinforce each other, essentially more than doubling in intensity. That is how a rhythm is formed. Essentially, every sound's frequency strikes the plane at exactly the same time, reinforcing the "boom" or "tick"

Octaves are a little funny because they are two distinctly different tones. What sets them apart is that they are roots and squares of each other, so they sound like "the same note, but higher or lower."

This is all a game of energy. Frequencies playing and interacting with themselves either strengthening or weakening as time/instances go by. 

There are many people that I have met in my life thus far. Some of which, my energy doesn't vibe with very well, but others seem to reinforce my own and mine theirs. These are the people that I tend to get closer to. 

Something to think about. Are you investing energy in the vibes that empower/strengthen/fortify you, or are you letting the energies of others drag you down? I've made my decision...

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