Thursday, September 6, 2012

A Little Venting, A Little Moving on

These past few days/weeks have been rough on my mind, body and spirit.
1)Someone who I just met moved away.
2)I started a new job that doesn't seem to have proper business practices designed to support it's workers.
3)My living situation as a whole has pretty much fallen to pieces.

Other than that, I'm okay. There is food in my belly, gas in my car, and a warm place to sleep at night. Things are looking up.

Bad news first. Here we go.

I just met D. Fell madly in love, too. That was two months ago. We seem alike in many ways and different in just as many. Kinda like a yin and yang approach to life. You know how it is. Pretty much a perfect match. She met me right after I lost a well-paying job that was slowly killing me. You know, that slave mill aka Volkswagen. I was on my downward slope and into relaxing and detoxing before my next job and she popped up into my life and helped to support my basic needs as I recovered from six months of torture. That was awesome. She also tipped me off on a new job that I promptly too up as she departed to search out new avenues for "self" in Cali.

During this time that I wasn't making any money, I had lo let my lease go on the duplex, so now I'm moving to a friends' apartment, and, being who I am, I started to help them with their problems, which got myself stuck in the middle. Now, I'm getting myself unstuck from involvement with that since that kind of stuff is bad for my health with everything else that's been weighing me down. You know, with me missing D and all. That part hurts all the time, but we're learning to work with our distance. It's the greatest distance I've had to work with so far.  Hopefully, we'll be able to survive this. I have faith.

And now for this new job. Tips are cool. Being supplemented with wages is cool. Not being sure how I'm going to be treated from day to day or if I'm going to be able to put gas in my tank when I need it is not a way to live. I'm getting better and my success reate is increasing with every shift, but this learning curve is pretty steep. Cash in hand is a major plus, though.


So this D chick. Lovely. Beautiful. Short. Smart. Wise. Fantastic. Supportive. Listening. Always there to hear me out when I just need to vent. Best of all, she doesn't mind my driving when it's time to put the pedal to the metal, or in this case, carpet. I'm actually one of the few people she trusts enough to ride with when it's time to drive like that. It's good to know that she sees beyond the outward appearance and knows that I will not make a decision that will hurt anyone and that Every motion has a purpose. Oh, and did I mention that she's an LMT? Yeah. She is where I'm headed and almost leading me in the field though I'm certain that my personal route will differ greatly. Yeah, I'll say it. I love and adore her. Period.

The house situation. Living with my friends will free up some of my budget for debt reduction. That will make it easier for me to get back to center with all of this stuff. I appreciate it. Thanks, people.

This job. Now I can eat every day. Nuff said.

Now, I'm going to regain my focus and convictions and all that and move forward with my life even if I have to go day-by-day until I graduate and can see my bigger picture a little clearer.

Now somebody hug me and grab onto my coat tails. It's still the year of the dragon, and my Scorpius is getting ready to frequent the night sky.


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