Sunday, August 21, 2011

Keep grinding away and you'll find the real gem

The following was written during the sermon on August 21, 2011 and was completed around 12:03 p.m. Yes, I was paying attention. That's why this came to be. I heard something that triggered a train of thought that led here. Here goes:

"When faced with adversity, I strategically remove the obstacle. Now that I've had a taste of success, I have to strategically remove the obstacles that have been placed in my path. Being an Entrepreneur means that I alone have to motivate myself. No one can do it for me. For now, it's me alone versus the eight years I've spent with bosses and living up to the expectations of others. I know how far I can get. I set my goals and way points towards these goals.When I get up from this place, today, I will rise with this in mind. I will be my own office, secretary, accountant, driver, cook, fitness expert, and anything else I need to be. I will put down the things that weigh me down and let go of the things that are holding me back. From now on, I will clench my teeth and press my hands on these obstacles. Mustering all of my strength, I will break down these walls with a single push. When I rise from the debris, I'll start walking. No need for the smoke to clear because I know where I'm going. No more waiting. Just Doing.

Keep your Drill turning No Matter What

[insert your own name here]"

FYI - Every drill has it's purpose. While a drill is in whatever material it was designed to drill is still turning, it will always move forward, no matter how slowly. Don't judge a fish on it's ability to climb a tree (check out Einstein)

Don't forget that when you're choosing what to let go of, you have to remember to keep a tight grip on those things that matter the most. The ideas. The people. The things that make you who you are. Also, never forget where you started so that one day you can honestly teach others from experience that great leaps can be made.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Learning a little about myself by helping others...

I just posted this on a friend's wall:

HEY! QUIT BEING EMO!! Start getting picky with everything in your life and stop accepting sub-par anything. If you find that something is going wrong in your life, stop doing the same thing over and over again and change something. If that still doesn't work, change something else. Just because you're not succeeding doesn't mean you're failing. Every time you don't succeed, you have an opportunity to learn from what happened and better yourself. Got it?

I got most of the way through when I realized that it was also directed at myself. Things around you are destined to change. That's just what happens. The only constant in your own life is your own self. Once you realize this, you've opened the door to your own salvation. The people that move in and out of your life naturally influence your outlook. It's up to you to find your equilibrium. If you're always surrounded by other that distract you from what your own true goals are, you are only hindering yourself.

Your very own success counts on your ability to discern between what your true desires are and what those around you desire for you.